Merry Christmas from EDRA/GHIN!

As 2024 draws to a close, we want to take this opportunity to extend our best wishes to all of our members.

2024 has not been an easy year, we have seen an increase in the frequency and ferocity of natural disasters around the world, the continuation of the war in Ukraine, turmoil in the Middle East, as well as political unrest and uncertainty. 

However, as was highlighted at our recent EDRA Board Meeting and Annual General Meeting in Brussels, we must remain optimistic for the future landscape of the DIY, Home Improvement and Garden sector, and we have good reason to.

Home improvement is an innate activity for mankind, rooted throughout human history: going as far back as Prehistorical times, even cavemen felt the need to take care of their “homes”.

And so, we wish to end this Christmas and New Year message on a positive note; people have always wanted to live in nice homes, and our industry is the essential facilitator for this.